Monday, March 7, 2016

Back to the roots

Today I went back to visit my band teacher, Jeremy Taylor, at my high school for the last time before I leave for Japan. I brought him some lunch to, and I'm quoting him, "save [him] from school cafeteria food." Over lunch, I showed him some pictures of my trip to Japan and discussed my plans, and got him to determine whether the $250 soprano sax I bought off of Amazon wasn't broken (thankfully, it was not).

It was very nice seeing him again. It honestly felt like we hadn't seen each other in a matter of days. One of things that I've always enjoyed about him was his ability to come up with hilarious one-liners. He can make just about everything he says funny, and I hadn't laughed out loud like I did in a long time.

The school had remained about the same, save for the increased security, new TVs in the lobby, upgraded equipment in the recording studio, and some new instruments in the lockers. Even after five years (and man, does it feel like it), it all felt familiar. I had an interesting time in high school, and a lot of that time was spent in that band room. I may not have the chance to go back ever again, but I hope that whomever is in that band room now makes the most of their memories like I did.

I still play the saxophone, and want to continue playing in Japan. Before I visited, I was nervous about asking to join the wind ensemble at Aizu on account of my 下手な日本語. But Jeremy gave me some reassurance, just as he did before when I was in high school. That gave me the confidence boost that I needed; I'm going to reach out next week.

T-minus two weeks to the big hop.



Mr. Taylor said...

You know, I couldn't be more impressed that you're actually following through on this dream you've had since I met you of going to live in Japan. Who has the guts and the follow-through to actually DO that? Admirable, sir! I wish I could go back in time and re-write your college recommendation letter with the caps lock on.

William Putnam said...

You know, I went through my papers from high school last week. I found multiple copies of your recommendation letter. I must have really liked it to have made that many copies.