Monday, March 21, 2016

About to leave

Tomorrow is the big day. I get on the plane and head to Japan. I still have that feeling of excitement and unease, and now that surreal feeling of oh, shit, it's happening is getting mixed in, especially the day before. I'm halfway through packing; the latter half comes tonight, when I secure the last of my electronics.

The car to take me to the airport comes at 0345 hrs tomorrow, and the flight takes off at 0915 hrs. I can't guarantee that there will be Wi-Fi on the plane. I can guarantee, however, that this blog will now be more active, especially as I'm settling in. I'm not going to bore you with exact details of everything I do, but I'll try to keep things entertaining.

But before I go, I want to say thank you ありがとうございます to everyone who provided me words of support leading up to this. I especially want to thank my totally awesome mother, Joanne, for assisting me in achieving my dream of studying abroad. There aren't a lot of [single] mothers out there that can do what she has done for me, and I am eternally grateful. It's a shame that we'll be apart, but at least now she has an excuse to conquer her fear of flying and come see me.

Bye, Connecticut. I'll miss you plenty. 行ってきます!


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