Friday, May 6, 2016

Good things to come

It's been a while since I've done any blog posting, mainly due to a combination of busyness and laziness. Things have been going relatively well. Here is a brief list of what's been done and what's to come:
  • Golden Week was this past week. I basically stayed in the dorm, played Fallout 4, and did some homework and cleaning. Only time I left was to go to the convenience store, which was once.
  • Wire transfers to Japan are annoying. First Niagara kept botching my transfer request, so I tried to go with Western Union Online FX, which waited until after it verified my account and took my money that they don't do transfers to Japan Post Yuucho. Two other FXs said the same thing, but without the "let's take your money first and see what happens" process. Finally went back to First Niagara, with instructions filled out to the most minute detail, and they sent it out properly this time. I finally got the money this morning, after three weeks of restless waiting. My finances should now be sorted out for a few months.
  • Japanese classes start this coming Wednesday, which is going to be helpful, because I'm tired of not having as good of a grip on the language as I should be having. My communication skills should go up from there, and I can have more meaningful conversations in Japanese. (I actually confused my dormmates the other day by using the regional pronunciation of "coupon" (kyoo-pahn) instead of the actual one.)
  • That Roadster I mentioned in the last post? I'm buying it. Now that I have the money, I can finish paying the guy when I go down to Kanagawa to get the car. That will be on May 15th. I'll make a higher-effort post (or maybe a series?) when I get to that point. Not sure yet if I will be going alone.
And that's about it. Ta-ta for now.


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