Thursday, May 12, 2016

ロードスター GET 0.5

I'm now two days away from picking up my Roadster. On Wednesday, I received a fax of my shaken (the piece of paper proving that my car is roadworthy), so yesterday I forwarded all of my information to the insurance company. They got back to me later in the day to tell me that they needed some time to process my paperwork. Obviously, I wanted to get this insurance effective on Sunday, but they would be closed. (The JCI, or comuplory insurance, is enough for legal purchases, but I'm going to be driving this car through Tokyo. I don't want to take any chances.)

The insurance agent spoke with her supervisor and said that they would take a scanned copy of the signed contract as interim proof while I sent out the contract through express mail. I would then do a wire transfer of the premium to their bank account. Once they had the scan and the money, they would send a confirmation e-mail stating that I would be covered starting on Sunday. Not really official proof of insurance, but good enough for my case.

Today I had to powerwalk to the local post office (thankfully not the central one that I usually go to) to mail the contract and do the wire transfer. Insurance was about $900 for mid-tier coverage for the year, which seemed like a lot. Then again, considering how much I was being charged in America, any insurance rate is a bargain.

Later today, I'll have to stop by the Foreign Personnel Advisor's office and sign the contract for the parking space. It's about $28/month, and right next to campus. Once I have done that, I'll need to get it certified at a local police box for registration, which I will probably do early next week. I already have a basic tool kit, which I'll need when I go to the dealer, because I will have to work on the seat. I also purchased a dashcam, so I'll have pictures and videos of the road during my travels.

I'm going to cover the trip in a three-part series. The first part will be getting to the dealership, which is located a few miles west of Yokohama. The second part will be the dealership itself, including me trying to get that seat ready. The third part will be bringing the car home. I'll hammer out these posts throughout next week. お楽しみに!


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