Saturday, April 2, 2016


Today was orientation day for new students at the university. I am now officially in graduate school.

The ceremony was pretty straightforward. They would call your name one by one, and you'd say 「はい」 and stand up, and then you would sit back down afterwards. There were the addresses from the mayor and the reps for the prefectural executives, and the undergraduates and graduates stood up for their vows, then sat back down. Then it was over.

While the undergraduates remained in the auditorium, the graduate students were allowed to go outside. I hung around the student building for a bit, and then returned to my room for a while until the next orientation meeting. It wasn't until halfway through that meeting that I remembered that they were having a group photo of all the new students on the steps by the student building. I'm not worried, though. There will be enough pictures of me in Japan. Like this one:

One of the students in my wing thought I looked cool. I don't see it.

Tomorrow I need to figure out the classes I'll be taking. Those start on Thursday. The SIM card is still not here, and I'm still looking for a Roadster. On Monday, I'll have an interview for a TA position. Let's hope that it goes well.

Spring, and the sakura, have come to Aizu.


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