Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Day service

This post is late, but the videos were finally uploaded yesterday.

As part of the wind ensemble's yearly activities, we usually volunteer at something called a "day service." (For a really local reference to use on my readers, it's like Gladeview but without the live-in residency.) This involves all the members that can make it going over to the day service center, setting up, playing a few songs, and then going home. Because we had a lot of new members this year, the band that participated this time was larger. I went separately in my own car, mainly because even with two vans, there wasn't a lot of room considering the number of people and the equipment. (I actually broke from the barricade to take a shortcut, and ended up arriving at the place about five minutes ahead of everyone else.)

This time, we played three songs. The third one was an encore. I doubled this time on bari for the main songs, and soprano for the encore because the arrangement of the song didn't have a part for bari. (There wasn't a soprano part, either, but there was a second clarinet part.) We jumped right into the encore, before I was even ready to start playing, and as I played the first note, I realized that I was playing on a dry reed, which I couldn't understand as I had a cap over the mouthpiece. I could still play, but it was like blowing bubbles in a milkshake; lots of resistance all the way through. Still, the doubling experience was fun, and I hope I can do it again for the regular concert.

(The video below is a playlist that will automatically play all three.

The performance went well, and the crowd was warmly receptive. I also brought along my Olfi and filmed the concert. Once we were done, we packed up, helped ourselves to some cold tea provided by the staff, and headed back to campus.

Next event with them is the overnight camp like last year, and another gig at a "traffic safety parade" the following day. So, uh, 楽しみに!


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