Tuesday, September 20, 2016

License conversion, take 3

AKA, why the fuck do I even try?

Today was rainy like the first time I attempted the test. This time, I came with an umbrella. I also stopped at the local convenience store beforehand to pick up lunch. I walked the course as usual, this time taking care to measure how long 30 meters was, and where before the earlier turns I should signal. I had a bit of confidence in myself this time, because I knew for sure what I had to do differently compared to last time.

Most of the lighting in the lobby is shut off during the lunch hour.

I was the last of three people to test. My third-party duty today involved riding with a Japanese person as he navigated the local streets. In some cases in Japan, you apparently take the test on the road, and I got to see the local residential zone as well as all the narrow side streets that brought a significant challenge to the driver. (He failed. So did the first person. As a matter of fact, I don't think I've tested on a day where a single person passed their driving test.)

This time, I was especially precarious in my driving. I used the turn signal way earlier, and when it came to that final straight and curve, I pumped those brakes so hard that the proctor's head was in my field of vision. That portion was fine.

But I still failed the fuckin' test.

Some time during the afternoon, these three guys got on mopeds and drove around. No clue why, and they were gone when I went to test.

It seems so far like every time I've tested (and he's been my proctor every time), he's given me three points to consider. Here's today's:
  • I'm going too slow on parts of the course, especially towards the beginning and when coming up to the turns onto other roads.
  • There was something about me activating my blinker when making a turn towards the end of the course. I made sure to do it at around 30 m before the turn, but the proctor still brought it up, and I don't even know if I was was too late or too early. Maybe it was how I was making the turn or how I positioned the vehicle before the turn. Anything this guy says is a fuckin' mystery at this point.
  • I rolled back about two inches when exiting the crank and making the turn back onto the course. I know for a fact that if you roll back when setting off on the incline portion of the exam [which I didn't have to take], you fail automatically. I bet that this was what caused me to fail, especially because he brought it up twice and was trying to teach me how to properly leave a stop without rolling back by using his hands. I already know how to do so, and do so frequently, but it's very difficult when you have a shitty clutch, and it's not even my car in the first place.
The next appointment is next Thursday, which is pretty late in the week. To add onto the pressure, I start an internship with a local company in October. I've already been losing productivity and money by going to retake this stupid test, but next month will be even worse to go in terms of both aspects. If I don't pass this next test, I probably won't have time until after New Year's. Unless of course, I ask for time off from work. And I don't know how that's going to work out.

Officially zero for three. Will the fourth break the cycle?

And finally, as a final "fuck you" from fate itself, as I was leaving, I went to get my umbrella from the front lobby. It was gone, so I had to walk back to my car in the rain. What a way to end a shitty day.


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